Zaizi ranked as one of the best companies for remote jobs in the UK
We’ve been making lots of improvements to our remote working processes and we’re glad it’s been recognised.
In a study to find out which companies in the UK come out top for remote working positions, Zaizi came fourth ahead of multinationals like Arup and Microsoft.
The online CV maker Resume.io calculated the ratings across eight categories to identify the top 25 UK and international businesses looking for remote UK talent.

When only the categories work/life balance, job security/advancements and salary/benefits are taken into consideration, we jump to second in the rankings.

The study took into consideration factors including:
- remote vacancies
- management and company culture
- work/life balance
- job security and advancements
- salary and benefits
- employer recognition
Resume.io collected the data for the study in October 2020.
When did remote working start for us?
We introduced remote working in 2019. We undertook an internal discovery and found the team wanted to work more flexibly.
So when the pandemic struck, the switch to full remote working wasn’t a big cultural shock for us or our clients. In fact, we shared our tools and ways of working with our government clients to help them make the change to remote working.
Maintaining the team culture
Remote working wasn’t new to us but dealing with a global pandemic was. This included the disruption and emotional uncertainty that came with it.
We undertook a ‘retro’ a few weeks into lockdown to find out how everyone was feeling and how best we could support them. We continue to do these periodically.
The wellbeing of our employees has always been key for us but during the pandemic, we’ve taken it to the top of our agenda.
We also worked on our remote onboarding process early to ensure new team members were seamlessly integrated.
And we have maintained our company culture by trying to do more and get everyone involved in lots of different ways.