Where you can find us
We’ve partnered with organisations across the public sector to design, build and sustain user-centred and secure digital services.
You can appoint us on the frameworks below. Get in touch to see how we can help you.
Cloud Solutions 2 / Lot 1 & Lot 3
The NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) has established this framework to facilitate the implementation of a Cloud Solutions 2 Framework Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to provide Cloud Solutions and related Goods and Services for Healthcare, specifically for use by NHS SBS Approved Organisations.
You can find Zaizi on the following lots:
Lot 1 - Solution Design and Consultancy
Lot 3 - Cloud Support Services
Digital Health Advisory (SBS10225) / Lot 4
This is a NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) framework that gives a quick and easy route to access specialist digital consultancy and advisory services.
We are on: Lot 4 - Digital Skills in Healthcare
Digital Outcomes 6 (RM1043.8) / Lot 1
A CCS framework that offers a path for the public sector to access agile development and user-centred design services, enabling them to expedite innovation. This framework is available for various entities, including central government, charities, education, health, local authorities, blue light services (police, fire, ambulance, search and rescue), and devolved administrations.
You can find us on: Lot 1: Digital Outcomes
Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.
Digital Technology and Cyber DPS / Lot 1 & Lot 2
A collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Digital Technology and Cyber Services established by the Scottish Government. The primary aim of this DPS is to provide a simple and adaptable pathway to the market for all Scottish public sector organisations that need digital technology and cyber services.
You can find us on the following lots:
G-Cloud 14 (RM1557.13) / Lot 1, 2 & 3
G-Cloud 14 is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework and is available for public sector customers to purchase cloud-based computing services, including hosting, software, and cloud support. This online catalogue offers a wide range of off-the-shelf solutions that can be accessed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
You can find us on the following lots:
Cloud support to help set up and maintain cloud software or hosting services.
Met Office Framework / Lot 1
The Met Office has developed this framework with suppliers who can help by introducing new skills and expertise and by increasing the capacity and capabilities of current Met Office teams to produce essential outputs.
We are on: Lot 1 Application Development
Technology Services 3 (RM6100) / Lot 3b & Lot 3d
This CCS framework grants access to technology strategy and service design, along with assistance in transitioning to the operational phase of an IT infrastructure. Additionally, it extends support for large-scale projects, including those classified as top secret, and a diverse array of other technology services.
You can find Zaizi on the following lots:
Lot 3b - Operational Services - Operational Management
Lot 3d – Operational Services – Application and Data Management