Why diversity is good news for government – and good news for Britain
Recent statistics from the UK Cabinet Office reveal that 92% of the current Labour cabinet attended a comprehensive school. According to the Sutton Trust, it’s by far the most diverse cabinet in terms of educational background that has ever been recorded.
As someone who attended a comprehensive school and did not go to university, I find these stats incredibly encouraging. I grew up in the countryside but in my teens the nearest secondary school was in Harlow. I went from a village primary school to a suburban Essex comprehensive – quite the change of scenery! I’ve never been particularly academic. But I’ve always been a people person, and I feel like being in this new environment taught me things about the real world that went way beyond exams and textbooks.
Some of the young people I went to school with were from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our teachers encouraged us to treat each other equally, and with respect. That school experience taught me the importance of empathy and communication – skills that have helped me succeed in a career path that has always been very focused on people.
My early career was in hospitality, working front of house in hotels. After that, I moved into the business world and into roles that focus on employees, helping them get the best experience possible at work, and giving them the tools to realise their own potential.
Diversity breeds success
At Zaizi, we work hard to create a diverse workplace. Nearly half of our employees come from minority backgrounds, and over a third are women – that’s far better than the industry average. I’m proud to say our good work in this area is being acknowledged. Last year, we won several awards that highlighted our diversity, including the Diversity and Inclusion Champion of the Year at the Growing Business Awards.
But when we say that we encourage people from all sorts of backgrounds to apply to work at Zaizi, that’s not just about ticking boxes – it’s a principle that helps drive our success. Some influential studies have shown that more diverse companies are not just more profitable, but also do better, more innovative work. If you think about it, it makes sense – tech is all about solving complex problems, and to do that well takes a range of skills, experience and background.
So you might come to us with a university degree, more vocational qualifications, or just a wealth of life experience – it doesn’t really matter. The important thing is that you bring value to your team. Diversity of thinking is born out of diverse experiences – and it’s this diversity that helps us deliver great results for our clients.
Sending an important message
I think this more diverse government sends a powerful message: that success is not confined to traditional or elite educational pathways. It’s a reminder that potential can be found in every corner of society, and it just takes the right conditions for that potential to be realised.
So for those currently in comprehensive schools or considering their next steps without a university degree, take heart in knowing that your background can be a strength. Your life experience gives you a unique perspective, and that unique perspective can be invaluable in today’s complex, unstable world.
So whether you’re a student wondering what the future looks like, or a professional contemplating a career change, remember: your background is not a barrier, but a building block to success.
At Zaizi, we look forward to welcoming more individuals who – much like the majority of the new UK cabinet – have found their own, perhaps unconventional route to success, and have emerged stronger for it.
If you’d like to find out more about us, or are interested in working for our team, please get in touch.